Day of Hope Seminar Information Pack

make every day a DAY OF HOPE

Day of Hope Brochure

Download our Day of Hope Brochure which highlights the aims and objectives of this life affirming seminar.

Slide Deck Samples

Click the link below to see elegant and meaningful samples of our slide deck from our Day of Hope Presentation.

Day of Hope Downloads

Letter to Parents

Below is a draft letter you can copy/edit and share with parents regarding the upcoming Day of Hope Seminar at your school.

School Newsletter Flyer

Attached is a flyer about our upcoming Day of Hope Seminar for your school newsletter, website or app.

7 Days of Hope

HOPE: DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX. This unique and free email program will empower you to reawaken hope and inspire the people around you.

Post Seminar Resource

This follow-up document summarises the key points from Day of Hope and shares ideas for follow up exercises with your students.

Vision Board Infographic

A vision board is a powerful tool but it can be confusing to know what to include. Click below to view this infographic for helpful ideas.

Action Checklist

Use this checklist to help your students create momentum and rocket them towards successful completion of your goals.

Day of Hope Posters

Free inspirational posters on hope to brighten your classrooms, common rooms and workspaces.

5 Books on 'Hope' you Must Read!

Click the link below to check out our top 5 recommendations for books jammed packed with hope!

Teaching hope: How to Raise Hopeful Students

Here are five easy ideas to integrate into your teaching or parenting. Apply these five “H’s of hope to make a difference to disengaged or unmotivated teens.

uplifting quotes

Losing hope? Here are some uplifting quotes to help you find your strength

When you feel like you are losing hope, sometimes a powerful quote can help you find strength and see the situation differently.

5 Ways Tech Causes Stress

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Child's School

Positive Parenting Tips

How To Raise A Tough Teen

What Type Of Student Are You?

Why Are Asian Students Better At Maths?