7 Books Every Year 12 Student Should Read

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Your habits define your life. Whether they are good, bad or indifferent, habits are part of everyday life. Taking control of them means taking control of your life. With his book Atomic Habits, World Habit Expert James Clear teaches you how to amplify or create good habits and knock down the bad ones. Atoms are the smallest units of matter. They are the building blocks of everything. Like atoms, atomic habits are the building block of your major habits. Change the atoms and the whole structure changes. Change your atomic habits and your life changes. With Atomic Habits, James Clear teaches you to start your habit changing journey with the tiniest changes to your routine and thinking. Once your habits are working for you, you will be amazed at the strides you take in your life. Filled with anecdotes and charm, Atomic Habits is an easy read that will change the way you look at life.

The Art of Thinking Clearly By Rolf Dobelli

With The Art of Thinking Clearly, novelist and entrepreneur Rolf Dobelli gives you the rundown on how to always make the right decisions. We all make little mistakes in the way we think every day. With Dobelli’s advice, you can learn how to spot what he describes as “cognitive errors” and start thinking more clearly. The Art of Thinking Clearly is an eye-opening look at human psychology and reasoning. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to avoid those cognitive errors and make better choices in all aspects of their lives. Whether it’s investing too much time in a pointless endeavour, continuing with an action you knew was bad for you or paying too much for something, you are making simple errors in your day-to-day thinking. In easy to digest, bite-sized chunks, Dobelli outlines 99 different types of errors and how to combat them. With advice that relates back to everyday life, Dobelli’s 99 short chapters are readable and engaging. The Art of Thinking Clearly includes thorough research and is incredibly helpful if you want to improve your way of thinking or simply learn more about the incredible human mind.

Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything by B.J. Fogg

Forget about the big sweeping gestures when it comes to creating the life you really want. Social Scientist BJ Fogg teaches that it all starts small; tiny even. This is great news for students or anyone who already has a busy schedule and can’t face the overwhelming idea of making massive changes, even though they are unhappy with their current habits. The culmination of decades of research and the coaching of thousands of people, Tiny Habits is the key to improving your life for the long term. Fogg writes that by making tiny changes on the road to making big ones, you can utilise behaviour science to reset your brain. Throughout the chapters, he explains how starting tiny helps to form habits through feeling good rather than feeling bad. Start with what’s easy, then move on to incrementally bigger challenges and you will be far more likely to succeed. Along with starting small, BJ Fogg also teaches how to utilise the three key factors in human behaviour; prompts, ability and motivation. Told with good humour and charm, Tiny Habits is the ultimate guide to creating good habits and designing your life.

The Distracted Mind – Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World By Adam Gazzaley and Larry D. Rosen

Ever wondered why it is so hard to stay away from your devices? The human brain has evolved to seek information whenever possible. While this evolutionary trend helped us to avoid predators in the distant past, in the modern age it leads to distraction and interruption. Now that we have all the information in the world in the palms of our hands, it’s no wonder we are device addicts. And although you may think you can multitask by checking Facebook while watching TV or texting and driving, in fact what you are doing is ‘task shifting’. The Distracted Mind explains why we are so drawn to multitasking and why it is no good for us. Starting with a thorough breakdown of how the human brain works and why it struggles to handle the overwhelming waves of information in the modern world, The Distracted Mind wraps up with essential advice on how to handle it all. The ultimate guide to getting along in the modern world, The Distracted Mind is as much a guide book as it is educational. It’s a must read for anyone who feels like they are lost in the digital age.

Brain Rules By John Medina

The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. In his book Brain Rules, Molecular Biologist Dr John Medina shares some of the most fascinating facts that rule our behaviour and the way we learn. While every person’s brain is wired differently and we all process information in individual ways, there are a number of factors which have an impact on our mental capability and performance. Things like sleep, stress and even music have a powerful effect on our brain’s ability to understand and store information. In Brain Rules, Dr Medina breaks down 12 important elements that influence the way we work, communicate and learn. The insights in this book are especially enlightening for teachers and students. As a teacher himself, Dr Medina shares how his research has shown him ways to make lessons more engaging and memorable. He has also included some of the secrets to retain more information when you’re studying.

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman

Almost a decade after its release, Daniel Goleman’s Focus remains one of the authoritative texts on focus, attention and their effects. Focus is an in-depth dive into the tools we can use to navigate an increasingly distraction-filled world. Goleman brought decades of experience as a psychologist and journalist to write his 2013 bestseller, and it shows. Using a highly readable blend of scientific research, colourful case studies and practical techniques, this book will open your mind to new ways of focusing. You will learn that focus is a multifaceted beast and that wandering attention can actually be as valuable as laser focus. More than a lesson in paying attention, Goleman explores how and when to harness attention and when to let it slip.

How to Think More Effectively by The School of Life.

Put aside old ways of thinking. Gain the confidence to trust your own mind and find your own genius. From The School of Life, a global organisation dedicated to teaching life skills, comes How to Think More Effectively. A series of short essays, this book is designed to get you ‘thinking about thinking’… and thinking better. Easily digestible and with practical exercises at the end of each chapter, How to Think More Effectively is perhaps the most practical guide to thinking you will ever find. With the central thesis that the human mind is an incredible tool that all too often goes underused, How to Think More effectively systematically lays out the different ‘forms of thinking’ and explains how you can do them better. With examples from some of history’s greatest minds and artists, the book clearly lays out how your own mind is there to be used, if only you understand how to use it. How to Think More Effectively is a must-read for anyone who wants to expand their way of thinking and break new horizons.

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